Privacy Policy

This Think Ahead privacy policy informs us of the use regarding personal data that users facilitate or will facilitate in their navigation, and of the data protection policy that will be applied to said data, so that users determine freely and voluntarily if they wish to facilitate them by continuing the navigation.


Ownership of the domain

The entity that owns the Domain / s: (hereinafter, THE WEB), is the Think Ahead business entity, with address at Calle Valportillo II, 14 – 28108, Alcobendas Madrid with CIF nº B87547238.


Authorization for the treatment of data

Think Ahead informs you that the data provided and the usage of data are documented in the Activity Records available to the company.

We have adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that we process, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties. However, you should be aware that Internet security measures are not foolproof.

All the data requested through the Website marked as mandatory (*) are necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the user. In the event that not all the data is provided, the Provider does not guarantee that the information and services provided will be completely adjusted to your needs.

When you accept this Privacy Policy, you do so expressly, freely, informed and unequivocally so that your personal data is processed by Think Ahead for the following purposes:

Sending commercial advertising communications by e-mail, SMS, or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enables commercial communication. Said commercial communications will be related to products or services that we offer, now or in the future, as well as by our collaborators. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data.
Carry out statistical studies. In this case, a data anonymization system will be used.
Process orders, requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the contact forms that are made available to the user on the website)..

Data Retention

Your personal data will be blocked when they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, remaining at the exclusive disposal of Judges and Courts, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the competent Administrations for the attention regarding the possible responsibilities arising from the treatment, during the prescription period of these. Once the indicated period has elapsed, it will be destroyed.


Non-transfer of data

Think Ahead expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third parties. Any exception to this rule will require your prior express, informed, and unequivocal consent.


Rights that you hold in terms of data protection

The current legislation on data protection grants you the following rights:

 Modification of your information: You have the right to rectify your incorrect or incomplete personal information.
Access to data and portability: You have access at all times to the information you have provided us. You can request a copy of this commonly used information, and ask us to forward such information to another service provider (to the extent technically possible).
Revocation of consent. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending us a communication in this regard. This revocation does not affect the validity of the processing of your data carried out prior to it.
Restriction of data processing. You have the right to limit the way in which we use your personal information, particularly in those cases where: i) you contest the veracity of your personal information; ii) the processing of the data is unlawful and you oppose the deletion of your personal information; iii) we no longer need your personal information for its treatment but you request the information to initiate, exercise or defend legal actions, or iv) you have opposed the treatment.
Opposition to the processing of data. You have the right not to have your data processed for specific purposes. In that case, we will stop processing your personal data for these purposes unless we can demonstrate that there are justified and convincing causes for such processing or unless such processing is necessary for the initiation, exercise or defense of legal actions.
Exercise of these rights: To exercise these rights, you must send an express request, together with a copy of your ID or equivalent supporting document, through the means indicated below. If before the request made in exercise of your rights, you do not receive a response in time and form from us, or you will not find it satisfactory, we inform you that the competent control authority is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.


EMAIL addressed to the address with subject “Data Protection”. This shipment must be made from the email address that you included in the form / s. Otherwise, your data will not be shown, as your identity is not considered sufficiently proven.
POSTAL MAIL: Addressed to Calle Valportillo II, 14 • 28108, Alcobendas Madrid
CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE: +34 91 014 99 65 where the procedures defined for this purpose will be indicated.

Social Networks

Think Ahead. has a profile on some of the main social networks on the Internet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube) The treatment that we will carry out with the data of the Followers will be, at most, the one that the social network allows to the corporate profiles. Thus, Think Ahead will be able to inform its followers, by any means that the social network allows, about its activities and offers. In no case will Think Ahead extract data from social networks, if it has not previously been authorized by the USER.


Information on traffic data. IP addresses

Traffic data such as the name of the access provider, IP address, date and time of access, links from which you access and any other information of a similar or analogous nature that you may provide when browsing the Website, in the event of collected, will be treated anonymously and with the sole purpose of compiling statistics of visits to our Website.

One method of collecting additional information about your visits to our website is by registering the IP address or protocol of your computer. This IP protocol is a number that is automatically assigned to your system every time you browse. Any web page that you access immediately detects the presence of your terminal by its IP address. When you access our page, your IP address is automatically stored. This collection has as its sole function, the preparation of statistics of visits to our website that allows us to know how our service works and allows us to improve it day by day, the access point, etc.


Duration and modification

Think Ahead reserves the right to modify, totally or partially, this Privacy Policy, publishing the changes on the Website. Likewise, it may make the modifications it deems appropriate on the website without prior notice, being able to change, delete or add both the content and services it provides, as well as the way in which they are presented or located. Consequently, the general conditions / Policies that are published at the time the User accesses the Website will be understood as valid, so the User must read them periodically.

Think Ahead may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the contents of the page, with no possibility for the User to demand any compensation.


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